about me

★they/it/ask | artist & animator |
masc enby | uranic aroflux ★


hello stranger, welcome to my part of the internet. i go by yanis/killse but also jimmy/connor and felix. i am neurodivergent and i usually need ttgs but dw about using them if i know you. i am a enjoyer of fictional gore, horror, etc, but i also love kawaii stuff from time to time. i also play roblox, minecraft, god of war, ponytown, fnaf, and much more! to draw i use krita and ibispaint x but i usually use krita most of the time.

things i hate: fake friends,
banana flavored candy, coffee, ignorance

things i love: technology, biology, lapfox trax, gaming, kemonomimi, angels, luckystar, phighting, regretevator, pokemon cards

my pookz i adore:

elliotrob1nkeoniwillowalexandertrevorlokiroxxiehaileyeveryone else on my dms